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What’s The Life Expectancy of Stage 4 Kidney Disease?


Life expectancy seems to be a big intrigue when it comes to stage 4 kidney disease. It is after all the second most advanced disease of it’s kind. Obviously because of it’s nature there is a lot of fear surrounding the topic of whether or not people will be able to live long. The truth of the matter is stage 4 kidney disease doesn’t haven to be a life sentence. There are many things you can do to reverse the adverse effects of the disease. By changing certain aspects of your life you can increase your life expectancy. You need to know what Stage 4 kidney disease is and how it affects your life, not only that but what you can do to extend your life.

What Is Stage Four Kidney Disease?

It’s considered to be the fourth level in the progression of kidney disease. It’s the second most form of an advance kidney disease condition. It’s so advanced that it could be a potentially be an imminent kidney failure.

Stage Four Symptoms And How It Affects Life Expectancy

When it comes to stage four kidney disease there are a lot of different symptoms associated with it. Uremia would be the most prominent symptom of that. When protein metabolizes it leaves behind a waste called urea. Your kidneys would normally dispose of this waste from your urine but due to kidney disease it is unable to do so. If your kidneys are unable to get rid of the waste it can accumulate and eventually harm other organs in your body such as the heart. For obvious reasons this could then affect your life expectancy. Sadly some of these complications can even kill a person far quicker than kidney disease itself.

When this accumulation can occur, you can begin to experience kidney pain and cause an even greater decline in kidney efficiency. If the problem remains unchecked it can cause serious problems.

Stage Four Kidney Disease Treatments and Life Expectancy

Treatment is a huge part of healing your kidneys but how you deal with treatment can determine how long a patient will live or not. At this stage there are various treatments available to you. There are options to be on medication combined with a diet that can help heal your kidneys quicker. It’s obviously a great way to increase the life expectancy of patients, but it won’t work if the damage to the kidneys is too extensive.

Severe kidney damage may require dialysis could be the answer to the problem though it can be expensive and complicated. Of course there is also the option to have a kidney transplant though it is considered to be a last resort option. It is a long term solution to the problem however so at some point it may have to be something you consider.




