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How To Prevent Kidney Failure in Your Dogs and Cats


There are many possible causes to kidney failure in dogs and cats. It may not be possible to prevent it in all cases but there are a few things you can do to avoid kidney failure.

Keep Your Pets Away From Poisons

There are many poisons that can affect your pets kidneys and eventually cause failure.

  • Grapes and raisins are surprisingly a potential cause of kidney failure in pets. Do not feed your pets raisins and grapes.
  • Antifreeze is a common cause of kidney failure even in the smallest amounts. The smaller the animal the more toxic it can be to their kidneys. It’s so common because animals can be attracted to antifreeze because of it’s sweet taste.
  • Lilies are another surprisingly toxic element for cats and dogs. Lilies can cause kidney failure and since they are grown in many gardens and can be found in many bouquets they can be deadly to your pets. So keep any such plants in the home out of reach of your pets.
  • Aspirin can cause kidney failure to pets if given at a high dosage especially if it’s given to a cat. Make sure when giving your pets medications that you follow the veterinarians instructions carefully. Do not give pets human medicine unless you have check with your veterinarian first.

Keeping your pet away from these poisons and others can help avoid kidney failure (and other problems) for your dog or cat.

There are also many infectious diseases that can cause kidney problems for your pets.

Leptospirosis is a disease that is spread through infected bodily fluids mostly urine. This disease can cause kidney and liver failure, though there are many vaccinations available.

Lyme Disease is a tick-borne disease and has been known to cause kidney failure in dogs. The best way to prevent this disease is to keep your dogs away from ticks. Easier said than done but it can help protect from possible kidney failure.

Feed You Dog or Cat a High Quality Diet

You would be surprised at home important it is to feed your pets high quality food to prevent kidney disease. The food you feed your pet should include protein sources that can be digested and metabolized easily. Depending on the life stage that your pet is in will depend on how much protein they require.

Making sure that your dog or cat has sufficient and clean water to drink will keep them as healthy as possible. It’s also important to make sure that your pets have regular checkups with your veterinarian to prevent the onset of any major issues.




